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Kenn & Cheryl Gill



Kenn & Cheryl have been serving in active ministry since 1973. They have been married for 50 years, have four children, seven grandchildren and presently reside in Calgary having pastored in both Eastern & Western Canada. 

The Ripple Centre is an apostolic centre from which the Ripple Network, Stream, Missions Mobilization and Schools of the Apostolic are launched. 

Their passion, ‘out~of~gate’ was to see the Five Post-Resurrection ministry gifts of Ephesians 4:11 restored to a highly functioning New Testament apostolic enterprise powerfully expressing and advancing the kingdom of God. 

Their C.O.R.E. fervency is to Advance the Cause of Christ in the earth. They have mobilized scores of teams to many nations and functioned as a Proverbs 31:8,9 prophetic voice both locally and globally for The Poor, The Orphan, The Widow, The Refugee & The Prisoner. They long to see the restoration of an Apostolic Christianity in the earth. 

Tim & Angela O'Connell

Tim & Angela O’Connell, together with their four children call Calgary  home. After graduating in 2003 they helped to give birth to The Ripple Centre in 2006. They have been part of the LEAD team at the Ripple Centre as worship & associate ministers since 2006.


This couple have been part of leadership training teams within the local church together for over 20+ years. Their passion is to serve the Body of Christ by helping to empower people to discover their full potential as sons & daughters of God. They believe that key to understanding fullness, is knowing and having an intimate relationship with God as Father; then; walking out life in the Spirit of Sonship. 


Finally, they have a deep desire for a lost & dying world to come into the awakening light of Jesus Christ. They believe & live out the message of the local church, walking in these three qualities:


A. Bold Faith(Believing that what God says is really true and acting on it) 

B. Generosity: (Giving our lives away to demonstrate His Kingdom)

C. Relentless Love: (Loving God with everything in us and our world around us.)


©2006 - 2025 Ripple Effect Ministries of Calgary 1512 1st Street SW Calgary, AB 

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