Kingdom Dynamics
The Ripple Centre is a group of believers in Calgary, AB. We gather together because of our love one for another and need for community. We exist to demonstrate the love of God in and through our lives. We live to know Him and to shine His Light into dark places so that people will know of His goodness & mercy.
"I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year,
Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied,
Go into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way."
The Gate of the year
Minie Louise Haskins - 1908

"Worship is all about God's presence. Worship creates a space for us to experience the tangible presence of our Heavenly Father. True Worship is a valuing or a treasuring of God above all things. Worship depends on a right spiritual or emotional or affectional heart-grasp of God's supreme value. So true worship is based on a right understanding of God's true nature, and it is right valuing of God's worth."
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."
Mother Teresa
"Sonship is not only the nature of God, it is also the nature of the fellowship into which Christ has called us."
John Kingsley alley

We continue to broaden our media content as an Apostolic Centre to help strengthen the church abroad. We have developed "Schools of the Apostolic"; we've done training in Prophetic Ministry; as well as Conference Content with such topics stemming from Spiritual Sonship to A Band of Fathers. You can also stay up to date locally with what God is doing right here in Calgary, Canada while getting plugged into our weekly broadcast.
"Healthy relationships require communication and a significant amount of time together."
Havilah cunnington

Online GROUPs
"Whatever happens to one member happens to all. If one suffers, everyone suffers. If one is honored, everyone rejoices. You are the body of the Anointed One, and each of you is a unique and vital part of it."
1 Corinthians 12:26-27
The Ripple Family Network ONLINE is a great way to be connected & share in the many facets of life with each other.
- It is a place to ask for prayer...
- Share joy & sadness...
- Lend a listening ear...
- Give encouragement...
- Meet new people...
Join the Network today from anywhere in the world.