Culture of Honour
1. Non-Negotiable Love - A life-giving foundation upon which we share and build our lives together. In word and deed, we are committed to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ, the Apostle of our faith, to those we serve.
2. Openness & Honesty - We choose to give to those we are in relationship with, the gift of being vulnerable. With integrity and honesty, we are then free to enjoy the blessings of accountability.
3. Believing the Best - Relationships are meant to grow in an atmosphere of affirmation. We are committed to one another’s success, to clarify any misunderstandings, and to recognize we are a work in progress as we become more like Jesus.
4. Word Given, Word Kept - We are privately and publicly committed to each other. We affirm that our word given is our word kept.
5. Grace & Truth - We value and affirm the scriptures as the Word of God. We minister grace and truth in Christ that is more than just being right but it is doing right as well.
6. Character Before Gifting - We choose to build our personal lives and ministries on character and the fruit of the Spirit. We affirm that fruitful and effective ministry works best in vessels of honor.
7. A Generous Spirit - We commit to a life of generously imparting into others all things entrusted to us.
8. Stewardship not Ownership - Stewardship is the intentional pursuit of involving God in everything we are and do. Simply put, we are stewards of the gifts, callings and relationships entrusted to us.