I declare that whatever might be in front of us, we will stand together with one another, and work together to find a way through the challenges that might come our way.
I declare that I will use my time, my words, my talent and whatever treasure I have, to be a broker of hope, an emissary of kindness, and a giver of life.
I declare that I will not surrender to the onslaught of self-protection and self-interest, but will pursue the enduring power of kindness, compassion and generosity to my neighbours.
I declare that hope is where I will live, and choose to bring that hope into every situation. I choose hope today!
I declare that faith is what keeps us moving, even in the darkest days. I choose faith over fear today! Faith that there are better days ahead. Faith that we can get through this.
I declare that if love is the fuel that changes the world, then I will pour that fuel into every situation we face. We choose love today!
I declare that in these seasons of difficulty, I will innovate for the wellbeing of my community, and for the better of those who are vulnerable.
I declare that I will be solution oriented, and not problem focused.
I declare that I will seek the noblest of good intentions, to find solutions grounded in reality, and seek to build the bridge of trust in all matters.
Mark and Kim deHoog “Restore” - Smithers B.C.