Mission's Strategy for Evangelism - M.E.W.S.
M.ISSION: Gather 2 Scatter (Acts 1:8, 8:1)
E.MPOWERMENT: Receive Power
W.ITNESS: My Witnesses, Is. 43:10,12; 44:8)
S.TRATEGY: Ripples out in Concentric Circles
The ministries that we are connected with in CANADA represent the E3 portion of the M.E.W.S. Strategy.
Grace inn
After two years of labour and community support, the doors of Grace INN Shelter opened December 16th, 2019. Grace INN, located at 315 Church St. is a 21 bed emergency shelter for adults in downtown Belleville, with a special focus on dignity, community and mentorship.
Every night in our city there are people with nowhere to go. Some sleep on park benches, a tent in the woods or a strangers couch. Others stay up all night in 24 hour coffee shops. Grace INN is changing that.
Homelessness is, among other things, a series of losses. A loss of a home of course, but often also, a loss of relationships, a loss of choices, a loss of safety, a loss of hope.
Grace INN works to restore dignity to the difficult experience of homelessness, helping people to feel safe, valued, and empowered.
Ways to Connect
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Rob Crisp
Executive Director